Project area A includes all projects that study Effectors and Mediators that act on the cells of the vessel wall. These are:
A3: Augustin
Role of the Angiopoietin/Tie system in controlling vascular morphogenesis and homeostasis
A6: Fleming
The Cytochrome P450/soluble expoide hydrolase axis in angiogenic endothelial cell signalling and vascular differentiation
A7: Fischer
The role of Notch ligands during blood vessel development
A9: Schneider
Mechanism controlling the transition from quiescent to activated
endothelium by exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies triggered by tumor cells
A10: Dimmeler
Role of shear stress-induced microRNAs in vessel maturation
Project area B includes all projects that study Cellular Responses of the cells of the vessel wall. These are:
B1: Goerdt/Géraud
Liver-specific vascular differentiation and function
B2: Schorpp-Kistner/Angel
Role of Junb and Junb target genes in vascular morphogenesis and homeostasis
B6: Wieland
Characterization of Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase B as a novel regulator of angiogenesis
B7: Liebner
Molecular analysis of the Wnt/β-catenin and sonic hedgehog pathway in endothelial differentiation and remodeling
Project area C includes all projects that study Cellular and Systemic Interactions between the cells of the vessel wall. These are:
C1: Reiss/Plate
Role of Angiopoietins in brain vascular homeostasis
C5: Korff
Regulation of the smooth muscle cell phenotype switch during remodeling processes of arteries and veins
C6: Hecker
Endothelial cell-platelet-leukocyte interaction in vascular
C7: Offermanns/Wettschureck
Mechanisms regulating vascular smooth muscle cell differentiation
C8: Stainier
Role of the Meis2 homebox transcription factor in endocardial cell differentiation and function
Project area Z - Core Projects
Z1: Komljenovic
Non-invasive assessment of tissue micro-morphology, vessel
function and cell migration in vivo with contrast-enhanced MRI,
VCT and sonography and hybrid imaging
Z5: Kroll
The zebrafish as a model organism to study vascular
differentiation and remodeling