SFB / Transregio 23
"Vascular Differentiation and Remodeling"

Mannheim - Heidelberg - Frankfurt

General Information
Area A
Area B
Area C
Area Z
Graduate school
Scientific journals
Lecture series
Management team
Member area














Dr. Dorde Komljenovic

Molecular Imaging Group
Medical Physics in Radiology (E020)
Im Neuenheimer Feld 280
D-69120 Heidelberg

Phone: 0049 (0)6221 42 2686

Lab Homepage


Z1: Non-invasive assessment of tissue micro-morphology, vessel function and cell migration in vivo with contrast-enhanced MRI, VCT, sonography and hybrid imaging
Non-invasive imaging of tumor growth, vessel morphology and function has become highly relevant in angiogenesis research. In this regard, we have offered imaging of vascularization and perfusion in small animals to the SFB partners. Furthermore, we successfully developed novel contrast-enhanced and molecular imaging techniques to monitor morphological, functional and molecular characteristics of vascularization by MRI, VCT, sonography and hybrid imaging techniques (μPET/CT and μSPECT/CT/optical imaging). We now aim to offer all acquired technologies to the consortium.


Last update: September 2013